Thursday 17 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey Day 5 Blink And You'll Miss It Week 1

Activity 1 Towering Timbers
I am against logging. I think that it is killing lots of the native trees and birds.
I think that some logging is okay but a lot is a bad thing.
Loggers are cutting down to many trees. Take this picture for example,
it used to be filled with healthy growing trees and now they have been cut
down. Almost half of this forest has been cut down.
Over all I don’t think logging should be allowed in NZ. Image result for logged forests before and after

Activity 2 Living On The Edge
Dear Jennae,
It’s me Hannah. I went to Tundra and it was an unusual
experience let me tell you about it.

It was about about -18 degrees Fahrenheit, it was so cold.
When we went there it was so bare, there was barely any plants
and not much animals. Some of the animals that we saw were the
Snowy Owl, Arctic Fox, and Muskox.
One of the plants we saw was Lichen There was pretty much no
rain but lots of snow. Jennae did you know that the ground is
completely frozen permanently!
From Hannah

Activity 3 Going, Going…… Gone
New Zealand was a great place to live. I live in Greymouth on the West Coast.
The grey River is something that I see all the time, it runs between Cobden
and Greymouth. There is also a bridge so you can get over to Cobden.
I have been to some places in NZ. I have been to Christchurch
which is around 3 and a half hours away.
On the way there is a place called Arthurs Pass.
I remember going there for a school camp, and it was really
hot but it can also snow. Christchurch is one of the many cities in NZ.
It is a busy city and I remember there always being traffic.
Image result for christchurch new zealand


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  3. Hello Hannah,
    WOW, what a surprise to see so much work in 1 post, well done! I really like your first activity as you have a strong point.

    I like the first activity because you have the same opinion as me, and also you seem like you want to make a change. Logging is really bad, and it is amazing that you've noticed. I agree with you that some of it is ok, but obviously a lot more (like half a forest) isn't ideal. I also think it is amazing that you live in Greymouth, as I've never been there before.

    What is your favourite country and why?

    Happy Blogging
    Gargee HPS

    1. Hi Gargee,
      Thank you for leaving such a nice comment. I'm glad you agree with me on the logging. My favourite country is Australia because I was born there and most of my family lives there.

      What your favourite country and why?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. Hello Hannah,
    I am Vitaraag. Your first activity was great. I am also against logging.
    You have a strong point. I like how yo included a photo and said that half the forest has been cut out. The rest of the activities are okay. Maybe next time you can say why logging is bad for the environment. Keep up the phenomenal work!


  6. Thank you Vitaraag for the comment. I will defiantly keep your feedback for next time.
    Thank you

  7. Hi Hannah!

    Week One down, woohoooo!

    Activity One:
    You have done a really great job at advocating for no logging in New Zealand - You have also clearly stated your two reasons why you are against logging which is awesome.

    I agree that it is also important to look out for the trees as they are an important part of keeping humans and the environment healthy! Have you been learning much about the environment and climate change in school?
    I am sure you would be learning about a lot of interesting initiatives that can help to protect and maintain our environment?

    Activity Two:
    I like how detailed you were in describing the cold weather and environment!
    I don't know how I would survive being in a tundra... I am a big baby when it comes to the cold and I don't know if I own enough layers to be somewhere that cold :)
    Do you like the cold weather Hannah or prefer the summer?

    It's really cool that you saw so many animals too! Any favourites?

    Awesome work with your letter to Jennae, I am sure she would love to have recieved it!

    Activity Three:
    Thank you for sharing about your local area and places you have visited Hannah! I am sure these would be treasured memories :)

    Do you have a favourite part about living in New Zealand?
    Is there something you think that makes it really special compared to other places?

    I think I really like the nature here and that there is nothing that dangerous out in our bushes so you don't have to worry about coming across something nasty! It is also nice to have a places where you can go and feel like you are just surrounded by greenery, no big buildings or noisy traffic.

    Awesome work with week one Hannah! Looking forward to reading through week two :)

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)

    1. Bonjour Ellee,
      We have been learning a little bit about the climate change in class.

      I prefer both the hot and the cold, because I can get hot really easly, but like the cold as well, especially if you go to Arthurs Pass there is sometimes snow to play in. Do you like the snow?

      I like to live in NZ and I think that all the native birds that we have make NZ really special, as well as the bush that they live in. What do you think that makes NZ special?

  8. Bonjour Hannah!

    I am against logging as well. I agree its killing all our native bush and destroying the forest and animals homes. We need to start and make a difference on this. I also think that we still need a certain amount of logging done because how much time do you use a type of paper a day? I use fire wood everyday because we have chimney and we need to boil our water.
    Your trip to the tundra sounded new and different for you. -18 degress is cold because we aren't used to it in Greymouth aren't we. We are used to on and off weathers.
    These are great things about New Zealand. What is your favourite thing about it and why?

    Keep up the fantastic work Hannah!

    1. Hi Jennae,
      I don't use paper on a daily basis, only when I am doing art or writing notes. How much paper do you use a day?

      I like all the bush and thinks to do in NZ, what about you?

  9. Hi Hannah,
    Great job on completing this activity! I agree with you, logging is fine if it is in small amounts for houses, but if you chop down too many trees it will affect the environment. Trees do many things such as house birds and small animals like squirrels and they also recycle carbon dioxide into oxygen which we breathe. Without trees we would be missing out on nearly 25% of our oxygen which is why they are so essential.

    1. Bonjour Alex,
      Thank you for the comment. I'm glad that you agree with me about logging. :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.