Tuesday 21 November 2017

Animals In The Amazon

In term 3 my friend and I made a free time writing slide show together. It was about animals in the Amazon. Here is our slide show.

Monday 20 November 2017

Safety Tips For Camp

This week we are going on camp to Arthur's Pass. We had to get into groups to present our knowledge about safety tips about the bush and hypothermia. Here is our work.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Quick Writes

This term we have been doing quick writes. A quick write is where you have 10 minutes to write a really good piece of writing. You only get to look at a picture at then you start writing.

1) Fireworks


         Muramura (colourful)

As I walked into the grounds of the museum I saw a big burst of bright karaka (orange) smoke fly into the air. There was a hint of tawa (purple) and whero (red) among the orange. The fireworks looked like heavy clouds sinking to the ground.
I could smell the strong smell of smoke drifting in the air. The sound was like someone firing a gun.  I was overwhelmed by the colour and the noise. Just then the sound of the gun firing stopped and all I could hear was the sound of the crowd gasping and the sound of the band playing. After about 5 minutes the last of the of the fireworks was falling to the ground. People then began to walk into the museum leaving the band alone to play their music.

2) Tomato pulp


                                                       Tomato fight

I stood outside looking at the gooey insides of the tomatoes. The people were covered in them. It looked like  everyone was covered in blood. The  kakano (colour) was bright whero (red) like blood. The strong aroma of tomatoes lingered in the air. I saw lots of people wearing goggles to protect their eyes from the sticky mess. I felt the tiny tomato kōpura (seeds) in between my red feet. Everyone was crushing the tomatoes under their feet and the insides splattered everywhere. I could hear the sound of the tomatoes being squashed and people screaming and yelling. I looked around me and saw that the tomatoes were everywhere. Everything was red and sticky.
3) Spiderman 
            Spider man

I stood outside my door and I was immediately hit by the strong aroma of petrol and smoke. I turned my head and I saw spiderman he was standing on confetti. The confetti was all different colours like whero (red), kikorangi (blue), māwhero (pink), tawa (purple) and many more. The confetti was all different colours and shapes. It looked like someone popped a disco ball. Then I heard the sudden bang of the train going along the track. Next I heard the loud sound of a big bus speeding along the road. I saw the massive screen towering above me.

4) Stormy day
Image result for stormy day Image result for stormy day

Booming thunder and crashing waves

It was a stormy ra (day).  I went outside and as soon as I stepped out of my house I was hit by the howling wind and the pounding rain. Suddenly there was a flash of light that spread out in the sky like  matimati (fingers) crawling across the sky. Then there was the booming sound of the thunder that echoed across the sky. I could smell the strong aroma of electricity and saltwater in the air. There was the sudden crash of the waves smashing against the hard cold rocks. Now the rain was bucketing down on me and drenching me with  wai (water.) It was a cold dark day and nobody was outside. The town was deserted and I was alone. I suddenly felt scared. I went back inside and then the wind picked up and was coming in through the gaps in the  whare (house.) It sounded like the house was talking.