Saturday 19 January 2019

SLJ Day 1 Preserving The Past Week 4

Activity 1 World Of Wearable Art (WOW)
  1. What made you decide to create the World Of Wearable Arts?
  2. Do you participate in the competition?
  3. Do you think that people have benefited from Wearable Arts?
  4. What's your favourite part of the World Of Wearable Arts?
  5. Do you enjoy seeing what other people have created?

Activity 2 Guardians Of The Sea
I don’t believe that Taniwha exist. I think this because
I personally don’t think that a dragon under the sea exits, and I
just don’t believe in this sort of thing.

Activity 3 The Sky In Shanghai
Sacred to walk out the door
The bustling city submerged in thick smog
Gathering my bravery I step outside
A coughing sensation builds in my throat as I breathe in the harsh air
Putting my nose in my t-shirt I run to the car and jump in


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Hannah
    These are great questions to ask. I like how you based it around her career but If I were to ask some questions I would also like to askk questions about her past life to get to know him/ her.

    Think that there is some type of creature under the ocean don't get me wrong would be strange and unbelievable if it was a crazy creature. I respect what you think but I do think that there is some type of creature in our oceans protecting it.

    I like how you went free verse with your poem. Although this is good it sort of reminds me of a descriptive story so maybe you could chaneg it into a poem more. I noticed that you have included some of the five senses in your poem.

    Keep up the great work Hannah!

    1. Hi Jennae,
      I respect what you think as well, I am half and half, because I think there could be something in the sea protecting it but then when I think more deeply I don't believe there is a creature in the sea.

      Thank you for your feedback on my poem, I enjoyed reading your as well.

  3. Kia Ora Hannah!

    These are such awesome questions for Dame Suzie Moncrieff. I liked that you asked: What's your favourite part of the World Of Wearable Arts?” This is an awesome question because it’s an open question. When I was younger I used to love reusing yogurt pots! I used to plant seeds in there. Do you reuse any plastics around your house?

    Thanks for sharing your opinion! I guess no one in recent years has spotted a Taniwha. I personally do believe in taniwhas, they may not exist now but perhaps they lived in unison with dinosaurs! Surely you believe in dinosaurs?!
    I also read somewhere that we have not explored 95% of the oceans. Surely deep down into the lies all kinds of creatures. There are several aquatic mythical creatures such as mermaids/merpeople and hippocamps. Can you think of any others?

    Awesome Poem! You have painted an awesome picture of what it would be like visiting Shanghai!

    Keep up the creativity and hard work
    He Whetu Koe! (You’re a star!)

    1. Hi Hasiba,
      I definataly believe in dinosaurs, but I have also read somewhere that there 95 percent of the ocean has yet to be explored. I also agree with you that there could be all sorts of creatures in the unexplored parts of the ocean.

      I can't think of any more mythical creatures but if I had more time I might be able to think of one.

  4. Hi Hannah,
    Great job on completing this activity! I don't personally agree with your beliefs about dragons and taniwha, because once a giant squid was found that was 13 metres long and weighed nearly a ton, which is around about half as heavy as a car and around 6 stories tall! If something like that exists, surely there must be dragons and taniwha somewhere, we just haven't found them yet.

    1. Kia ora Alex,
      I respect your opinion, and I do agree with you that there is things in the ocean that we have not discovered yet in the unexplored ocean. I personally just don't that there is a Taniwha, but you never know! :):)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.