Tuesday 2 April 2019

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi, was given the name Mahatma, meaning great soul,
because he was a great soul, he did things for others and didn’t want
anything in return. He was against racism, he went to prison for the
things he did and he was very famous.

Firstly, Gandhi was greatly against racism. Mahatma Gandhi went to
work for the South African office of an Indian legal firm. This is when
Gandhi first encountered racism. When he was on a train, a white man
wouldn’t sit next to him. He found that lots of Indians in South Africa
were given the worst jobs and they lived in poverty. Gandhi started
working for the rights of Indians and he campaigned for twenty years.
Gandhi said, “Make the injustice visible. Be prepared to die for it.”

Secondly,  Mahatma Gandhi was famous for the actions that he made
and what he believed in. He helped the Indians, by refusing to get his
finger print scanned and he wanted others to do the same. He thought
that he had helped the Indians in his country, and people started to
recognise the things that he had done. Other people started to follow
in his lead.

Gandhi’s main grumble was that under the British rule India had
become the world's poorest country. The British found India, while the
Indian people were already there and they tried to take over and rule
over the Indians. This was called colonisation.

Finally, Gandhi went to prison because he refused to do things that
the government said to do and he protested peacefully against racism
and lots of Indians were arrested and went to prison.
He said, ‘An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind.’
Gandhi meant that fighting each other was a bad thing and that it can
do horrible things to people. We agree with Gandhi because fighting
can do very bad things to you, like traumatise people and injure people.
We believe that Mahatma Gandhi shouldn’t have gone to prison because
of what he believed in and he just wanted the make South African
people all equal.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi was a great man and his name fitted
who he was. He was recognised for being against racism, he made
good choices and he also went to prison for believing in the things that
he did. His actions have affected us today because people of all races
are allowed to have any job and many people are inspired by him and
do not want racism in the world.

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