Wednesday 19 December 2018

SLJ Day 2

Activity 1   Giants Among Us
I would want to visit Tāne Mahuta because it would be a fun experience. I would also like to visit Tāne Mahuta because I have never been to see it before and I would like to find out about the tree.

Activity 2   Fabulous Ferns

  • Silver Ferns (Netball)

Image result for tall ferns uniform 2018
Tall Ferns  (Women's Basketball)

Image result for nz white ferns uniforms
White Ferns   (Women’s Cricket)
My favourite uniform is the Woman's Basketball.

Activity 3  Weird and Wonderful
For a cacti to survive with only 3 ml of water a day then over a year it will drink 1095 ml of water. To figure this out I did 365 x 3 ml= 1095 ml.

Monday 17 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey

Activity 1  3 Fun Facts
-Did you know that New Zealand is one of the most populated
countries in the world, with its population at 4 million people.
-The capital of Aotearoa is Wellington which is located in the
North Island
-The two main languages in NZ are Maori and English

Activity 2 Describing my Hometown
Greymouth is surrounded by the Tasman Sea and
Greymouth is well known for the Grey River, the muddy
Grey River runs right through Greymouth and under the
bridge that leads to Cobden. The town square is a popular
place for locals and tourists. The town square right in the
heart of the town between cafes and shops.

You can walk along the flood wall to admire the Grey River.
 Greymouth is a great place to be in the summertime, as you can
go to the beach and swim in the refreshing ocean.

Activity 3 Ice, Ice Baby

Thursday 13 December 2018

Narrative Story Lost In The Jungle

Lost In The Jungle

“What are we going to do this holidays?” asked Allison her hazel eyes sparkling.

“I don’t know,” said Olivia twirling the ends of her curly copper hair.

They began thinking, and the only sound that could be heard was the birds chirping softly, and the spring sun was shining.

“Why don’t we go for a boat trip out on the Mississippi river,” suggested Dylan.

“That's a great idea!” Allison, Olivia and Lucas all shouted together.

The next morning they were rushing to get everything ready to go out on the boat. Allison brought a delicious picnic and fresh water, Lucas brought curly lasso-like ropes, Dylan brought four bright neon life jackets, and the boat belonged to Olivia’s dad. The boat was quite old and had a some rust leaking down the side of the boat. They double checked all their gear to make sure that everything was there.

Once everything was ready the little group trudged slowly and carefully down to the bank of the Mississippi river, to lower the boat into the water. They set off. It was peaceful in the middle of the Mississippi river and everyone was enjoying themselves, having fun, chatting and laughing.

About 30 km into the river. The boat was quite far from any land with bushy trees that surrounded the river. They heard a BANG, CRUNCH, then there was a grinding sound. The four jumped in fright as the noise came from the bottom of the boat. Dylan looked behind him to see what had caused the boat to make the noises.

Dylan saw a jagged, pointy rock peeking out of the surface of the water. Everyone looked down and saw the cold murky water oozing through the split in the boat.

“It’s sinking,” shrieked Lucas.

The boat was descending quite quickly now and the water was about knee deep.

“Jump!” shouted Dylan.

One by one there was a splash as they all jumped into the river, floating helplessly in the dark water.

The boat had completely sunken but luckily Olivia managed to grab the chilly bin and Lucas grabbed two bottles of water to help him float . The world seemed to freeze while everyone recovered from the shock of what just happened.

“What should we do?” asked Lucas, his glasses covered in water drops.

Olivia looked around and saw the silhouette of pointy Cedar trees that seemed to be slicing into the peaceful blue sky.

“Look over there!” bellowed Olivia.

“It's a small island ,” shouted Lucas.

“How are we going to swim that far?” questioned Allison her long black hair trailing behind her as she floated in circles.

“We have to try,” said Dylan encouragingly as his short brown hair flopped over his dark brown eyes.

They all started swimming in the direction of the little island they saw. After about half an hour of swimming they had reached the land. Once they had clambered out of the freezing cold water they rolled over on their backs on the damp grey sand.

“What are our parents going to say?” worried Allison

“I don’t know,” replied Dylan

“They will probably panic and call the police,” added in Olivia

“We have to just forget about what our parents are going to say and we will have to find our way back home,” said Allison

“Maybe we should look around?” suggested Lucas.

It was about 12:00pm and the suns rays were shining down like a light. Although the sun was out, the atmosphere was damp and cold. Once everyone warmed up a bit they walked cautiously over to the edge of the jungle. Up above them were tall trees with bright green leaves and vines entwined around the trunk. Shrubs and leaves littered the ground near the trees. 

“Should we go in the jungle?” wondered Dylan.

“Yes but we need to be careful,” said Allison sternly.

As soon as they all stepped into the jungle it was as if they had stepped into cold darkness. Dylan was at the front leading the way, ducking under vines and sharp branches that hung down from the old trees. Toucans and other colourful birds were scattered around the jungle, hiding in hollows of the trees. Tripping on the old curled roots that were bursting through the surface of the ground they continued to walk through the thick bush.

“We need to build a hut,” Lucas called out to the others.

“First we need to collect sticks and moss,” commented Allison.

Dylan and Allison were looking for sticks and Lucas and Olivia were looking for moss. After about ten minutes they had collected enough sticks and moss to make a hut and the only light was the faint sunlight that went behind the trees.

“We need something sharp to tie the sticks together,” commented Lucas.

“I’ll go find something sharp,” replied Dylan

Dylan went in among the Cedar trees searching the ground for a sharp stick. After about ten minutes of looking Dylan finally found a sharp stick. Once he found it he went to cut the vines that hung down from the towering trees.

“Finally, what took you so long,” called out Olivia as she curled up by a huge rock.

“I thought that I should get the vines so we didn’t have to do two trips,” said Dylan.

“Let’s start making the hut,”

“It’s so cold,” chattered Allison, her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her knees

“We need to make a fire,” whispered Olivia shivering violently.

Five minutes later there was the sound of the crackling fire and everyone was warming up their hands huddled together.

“Luckily our jackets dried,” said Lucas gladly.

“So glad that we finished the hut before it got dark,” commented Allison.

“It is not the best but it will have to do for now,” replied Olivia.

The moon was shining brightly down on the water making it glisten in the soft light. It was late and everyone was too tired to eat so they went to bed. Everyone went to bed huddled up together in the tiny hut they made. They only got about five hours of sleep.

“I didn’t sleep very well,” groaned Olivia, stretching her back and arms.

“ Me neither,” chimed in Allison quietly.

“Or us,” Lucas and Dylan murmured together sleepily.

“What are we going to do for food,” Dylan asked worriedly.

“We have to find some or we will starve,” replied Allison

“We will find some,” said Lucas reassuringly.

After about 30 mins of searching through the thick foliage Olivia called out “I found something, I found some berries,”

There right in front of them were blackberries growing on the long thorny vines. Everyone came rushing to where Olivia was and started picking the berries and eating them.

“STOP!” cried Olivia, we need the berries to last for lunch and tea and tomorrow.

“You’re right,” choughed Dylan as he nearly choked because of his mouth full of berries.

After picking the blackberries and putting them in Dylan’s hood from his jacket they walked back to where they slept.

A few day went by and they only food they had was berries they found, and the water from the river that surprisingly was not that dirty.

“I am so tired of this island,” remarked Lucas as he lay on his back staring longingly at the soft puffy cloud floating by.

“I think that we need to build a raft,” agreed Allison.

“What are we going to use to build a raft,” wondered Lucas.

“Sticks and logs,” said Dylan.

“Why don’t we start looking now, the sooner we find the stuff to build the raft we will be able to get out of here,” said Olivia perking up.

Everyone was quick on their feet trying to find logs or things that float, Dylan found some fallen down trees, Allison found bark from palm trees, Olivia found some thick stretchy vines that could tie things together, and Lucas was the one who was telling everyone where to put the logs and other things that they found.

Building the raft took about a day. They careful but swiftly wove the lime green vines in and out of the logs to tie them together. Once the raft was finished they all got on. For oars all did was use thin bark from the palm trees.

The water was lapping against the side of of the barky logs. Luckily Dylan knew where they were and knew his way back to bank where they put the boat in the water.

“Let’s go!” shouted Lucas

“I’m so happy we can leave,” cried Olivia

The moon was yet again shining down on the glassy water making it sparkle and shine. The water was as still as a statue and the raft was unsettling the water, leaving small bubbles in its wake.

It was late at night and everyone was was dropping like flies to sleep. The next morning everyone woke at dawn.

“Wow look at the sun rise ,” commented Allison looking calmly at the hot pink and peach sky and and the bright yellow sun coming up over the trees. Once everyone was awake they ate some of the berries that they brought with them.

“Look over there!” said Olivia with her purple stained lips.

“That’s that bank where we put the boat in the water!” called out Lucas paddling faster making the raft rock.

“Stop that Lucas,” sneered Dylan

“You’re going to make the raft ti..” Olivia didn’t get to finish her sentence as the raft capsized and they all fell in the water.

“Great going Lucas,” snapped Allison rather loudly.

“Sorry, I was just so excited to see the bank I wanted to get there quickly,” muttered Lucas sadly.

After swimming about 20 metres to the edge of the bank they hauled themselves up and sank into the tall grass. “We’re drenched,” said Dylan quietly.

“What are our parents going to say,” babbled Allison worryingly.

“I don’t know,” replied Lucas

“Well don’t just stand we need to go and find them, they will be worried sick where we have been,” commented Dylan.

As they walked down the warm foot path they left a trail of water. They were right about their parents wondering where they were.

“Mum, Dad we’re back!” they all shouted together.

“Where have you been!” the parents shouted back.

“We went on a boat trip, the boat sunk then we had to swim to an island we saw, then we had to build a hut and a raft and we lived on berries and water,” Lucas gasped for air after speaking so fast.

“Ok you can never go on a boat trip by yourself again,” Olivia’s Mum said sternly.

“So I have to get a new boat I guess,” laughed Olivia’s Dad.

A few days past and everyone was happy, Olivia, Dylan, Lucas and Allison spent lots of time together in Allison garden shed.

“Well we still have two weeks left of the holidays I wonder what we can do…” giggled Allison cheekily.

The End

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Science Badge

On the 7th of December Ruma Tahi presented their science badges to the school class by class. A science badge has lots of different tasks to complete. Each of the activities  are worth a certain amount of stars either, one, two, or three. With a science badge you do not have to complete of the tasks, you only have to complete enough tasks to add up to 20 stars.

We presented our work in the break out space and in Ruma Tahi. The classes came class by class and had a look at our boards. We spent lots of time completing the boards, we had to print things off and glue them onto the board ready to present. Me and my friend Jennae shared a board with one side each. 

Some of the boards had an interactive activities on them. The junior school liked the interactive activities and it was a fun way for them to learn about different things. 

Here is a photo with my board. 

Monday 12 November 2018

Thursday 25 October 2018

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Participating and Contributing SOLO

Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my learning this term:  I am completing a science badge, and we went read a Lake Kaniere pamphlet and answers questions that were in the text.
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my environment this term: I picked up rubbish that was in my creek and in the paddock outside my house. My family also uses reusable bags.

Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to my family this term:  I helped my dad at work by scanning old drawings, and I also  helped out around the house, like unloading dishwasher, vacuuming. Ways in which I have participated  in and contributed to the local community this term: I coached a mini ball team on and went to the games on Monday with Jennae, and also trained them on Monday lunches. I went to our school gala.
Ways in which I have participated in and contributed to the global world this term: I have posted on my blog for people to read my learning.  I had west coast under 13s Basketball tournament in Greymouth, and we had team from other places in the South Island come to compete.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Ski Trip Response

WALT access and use information to make and action safe choices in a range of contexts.
WALT demonstrate a willingness to accept challenges, learn new skills,
and extend abilities in movement-related activities.
WALT specify individual responsibilities and to take collective action for
the care and safety of others in the school and in the wider community.

Success Criteria:
  • I will discuss and demonstrate my understanding of the Skier’s Code of
  • Conduct in pre-ski discussion and through my actions on the ski field… making
  • responsible and appropriate choices throughout Ski Day.
  • I will undertake ski/snowboard lessons suitable for my skill level, seeking to
  • improve my technique and control.

  • I will be correctly equipped for my participation in Ski Day.
  • I will create a response to the ski trip to share my new learning.

On the 14/8/18 Ruma Tahi went on a ski trip.
We went to Porters Pass ski field. We had to meet at school at quarter
to seven in the morning. As people were walked in the door Mrs Martin
gave you a orange armband that you had to have on all day. Mrs Kemp
over the rules and  we went in our car groups. My dad took transport so
I went with him, we also had Nathan J and his dad in our car. It took around
two and a half hours to get to Porters Pass. We got there around 9:30 am.

Once we got there we had to wait outside the ski building and wait for everyone
else to get there. Once everyone was there we had to line up in groups,
First time skiing and second or more time skiing. Then Jason, who worked
there, called out our name and we got a number written on our hand.

We had to go in and get our boots and hire pants or jackets.
Next we had to get our helmet,skis and goggles. Next we had to go to
the beginners slope and practice how to turn and stop. Once you go down
the hill you have to backup the magic carpet. To stop you  make a pizza shape
with skies and to turn you lean to one side.

Some people got to go down the intimidate slope. To get to the top you have
to go up a poma. We had to stop and have lunch and snacks and stay hydrated.
We had to be back at the ski hire at around 3 to 3:30 pm to take off our ski
boots and hire things, also the ski field closes at 4:00 pm. We then had to get
back into our car groups and go back to school, we got there around 5:00 pm.

I really enjoyed going skiing with my friends and classmates.  I got onto
the intimidate slope and I had fun on it. My next steps is to maybe get onto
the jumps. I would like to thank the people who work at Porters Ski Field for
ijb making this day possible.

St John Response

Yesterday 3/9/18 someone from St John came to the
school and showed us some useful skills. Room 1
went to the tech block in the afternoon.

They showed us what to do in an emergency situation.
The St John lady (Catherine) taught us something called the DRSABCD.
This is what is stands for, D dangers, R response, S send for help,
A airway, B breathing, C commence CPR and D for Defibrillation.
These are the things that you need to use if you see someone unconscious.

Catherine showed us how to put someone into the recovery position.
First you tilt their head back, then with the arm closest to you out and the
arm furthest away from you across their body.
Next you put the leg furthest away from you up, then you roll
then towards you. Now you have to put the leg that you put up
into a capital L shape to stop the person from rolling onto their face.

Catherine taught us how to do CPR properly. Before you do CPR
you have to do the DRSABCD. Catherine brought in 8
dummies for us to practise doing CPR on.
We got put in groups and we and to CPR on some dummies.
First we had to wipe the nose, chin and inside the mouth.
Then we put some thin sheets called a breathing shield
over their mouth because we had to share the dummies.
While we did CPR Catherine put on a song to keep us in time.

To do CPR you have to put hands clasped together on their
chest. You then do 30 pushes on their chest the same time apart
and the same speed. Next you have to do to breaths into their mouth.
When you do this you need to tip their chin back so the air goes
down their throat and into their lungs. You never stop doing CPR.
The only times you can stop is if someone else some to relieve you
or if you have been doing it for 1 of 2 hours and you are
completely exhausted. When you do CPR you become the heart
of the person that you are doing CPR on.

Once you call the ambulance to help you, they are most likely to
have something called the defib machine. It is a machine that has
2 pads that you stick onto the persons chest. The pads will not stick to
hair of clothes so you need to cut the clothes and shave the hair (if they have them).
There are 3 buttons that you press. One is to start the instructions and you need to
press that. The other button is to give the shock.

I really enjoyed doing the lesson with Catherine and my classmates.
I think that everyone should know how to do CPR and how to put
someone into the recovery position. Being able to do CPR is a good life skill.
I think that they could
also taught us what to do if you get a bad cut or a burn.
Here is a photo of me doing CPR on the dummy.

Geometry DLO

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Te Uru Game

WALT: participate in the learning of others.
Our success criteria are to active participants in a new cultural game.  

On the 28/8/18 Wednesday  the class from Grey High school called 10CH, they
came and taught us how to play a Maori game.  They were here most of the morning.
We had to use our listening skills and watch and ask questions.
They taught how to play the game as well as taking us through some skills and drills.

The game that 10CH taught us was called Te Uru.
I really enjoyed the last drill that the group I was in did, it was the piggy in the middle.
To play the game you have to catch the ball with a flat hand and try and score points.
There are five dots and you have to try and catch the ball on the dots.
There are two teams on the field at once.
You are allowed to intercept the ball and then you have to try and get the
ball down your end of the field. The aim of the game is to try and get rid
of all the dots by getting the ball on the dots.

Next time I would suggest that you make four teams instead
of three then you can have to games going at once. Also it would be fun to play
the game with you.

Friday 10 August 2018

Designing A Logo

Today in Ms Chowfin's class we were learning how to design our own logo. We got to change the background,figures.We watched a video to help us start off then we got to change things around. I am learning how to use the design principles. 

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Shanty Town Fossil Work

Wednesday 25th of July 2018 we went to Shantytown to learn about fossils
and rocks.
We really enjoyed the experience because it was a good opportunity to
learn about something that we had never really studied before.
Our favorite activities were when we got to look at a fossil and draw it.
Another of our favorite activities were when we got to
look through a microscope at some really cool fossils.

We really enjoyed listening to Mary and Ian speak about fossils because,
it was really interesting to hear. One of the activities we did in a group was
learning about the different types of
coal, some of the names were lignite, bituminous, and anthracite.
We then had to go to a fire and put it on the flames and estimate
how long it would take for the coal to catch on fire.

Another activity we did was we got to go for a walk with Mary,
we looked at the mud-stone, limestone and other things that were in
Shantytown. It was really interesting learning about it and were it is in

We learnt that coal can take a very long time to catch on fire.
Part of this activity was when we got given a piece of coal and a picture of
all the coals a description and we had to try and guess what our piece of coal

We also got given a rock at the end of the session, we also got to use a
hammer and and chisel to try and break open a rock and here is a picture of it:

Over all we thought the experience was good and it was really interesting to
learn about. We would like to thank Shantytown for hosting it and we would
also like to thank Mary and Ian for teaching us about it all.

By Hannah and Caitlyn 2018

Thursday 26 July 2018

Wednesday 27 June 2018


Science fiction

Planet Cacti        By Hannah

Deep in space 8930 million miles away from Earth's sun is a planet
called Cacti. Long green vines twist around the big kapok trees like a hug.
In the trees are big tree huts, a deep brown like the dark underearth.
Long rope bridges sway slightly in the cool breeze.

Standing happily  on the grass is a girl called Millicent.
Millicent’s  pale pink skin and thick turquoise hair shines in the sunlight.
Her rich green eyes looked silently up at the big kapok trees.
“ Your turn to give the trees acid,”  called out someone.
The type of acid that the trees need to live is hydrofluoric acid.
To get to the acid Millicent had to go down a damp, dark tunnel that leads
underground to the acid springs.
She picked up a bright red bucket and filled it with acid then walked back up
the tunnel with a bucket full of acid to tip on the strong
and sturdy roots of the kapok trees.

Millicent decided to walk down to Triton lake.
She took a narrow path down to the lake walking slowly.
Scattered over the path were cherry blossom flowers, each petal  
a different colour of the rainbow.
Millicent bent down to pick up a flower but the delicate petals
broke with the soft touch of her fingers.

As Millicent neared the lake she could hear the sploshing sound of the
waterfall hitting the saturated  grey rocks below.
Millicent looked happily at Triton lake. She saw the sun shining on it,
making the surface of the water reflect like a mirror.

“ Over here! “ shouted the boat driver.
Near the water's edge there was a dark blue boat.
The boat driver was Millicent’s friend, Harmony.
“ Where do you need to go?” asked Harmony.
“ To the crystal house on the other side of the lake,” replied Millicent.

The crystal house was where the scientists
kept the crystals they needed to unlock time travel.
At the moment they were still building the time machine.

It was a silent ride across the lake.
As they neared the dock on the other side of the lake the crystal house
came into view.
The walls were made of solid grey concrete and the roof was as orange
as a sunset.
Once they had tied the boat up at the dock they walked across the soft,
moist grass.
“ Do you have the key?” Millicent asked Harmony
“ Yes,” replied Harmony.

Millicent stood quietly as Harmony unlocked the door.
As they entered into the room the smell of the musty
air hit them in the face like a wave.
Millicent followed Harmony as they walked through the winding corridors
that led to the room where the crystals were kept.
There were four crystals, each was a different colour.  
But when the two of them walked into the room they got a huge shock.
“ The crystals are gone!” cried Millicent.
“Who could have took them,” wondered Harmony.
“I don’t know,” replied Millicent thinking hard.
“ We should look for clues in the room,” suggested Harmony.
Millicent agreed and they started hunting for clues.
“Look, over here,” shouted Millicent excitedly.
“What is it?” called Harmony.
“It looks like some sort of chest,” said Millicent.

Harmony ran over and they opened up the chest.
The soft red velvet looked as ripe as a strawberry
and caught the eyes of Millicent and Harmony.
They very carefully lifted an old crinkled map out of the chest.
The map had stains all over it making it hard for
Millicent and Harmony to read.
The map had thick black lines that twisted and entwined
with each other over the piece of paper.
There were symbols scattered over the page, some the girls knew but some looked very strange indeed.
It was difficult to study the map because the only light was
from a dim light on ceiling.   

Millicent and Harmony walked slowly out of the room and
out the front door thinking hard.
Once they were outside in the sunshine they could see
the map more clearly.
Harmony took the map from Millicent and explained that
each of the little lines stood for one step.
The map told them that they had to around Triton Lake to
where they keep submarines.

They walked around to the submarines and were greeted
by the owner of the building.
A big garage door stood in front of them and the
owner opened up and straight away,
the submarines metal was shining in the sun making it hard to see
it clearly.
They walked in and they could see the submarines clearly.
“Hi,” Harmony called out to the owner.
“Hi I’m Rusty,” replied Rusty.
“I’m Harmony and this is my friend Millicent,” Harmony said cheerfully.
“What can I do for you?” Rusty asked.
“We need to borrow a submarine,” MIllicent said kindly.  
“What for?” asked Rusty.
“ Oh, well the crystals are gone from the crystal house,
we found a map in the room and we need to go under Triton Lake,” said
Millicent out of breath.
“What kind of submarine do you need?” asked Rusty
“Just a small one,” replied Harmony.
“Ok,” Rusty said as he got a submarine ready for the girls.

Rusty took the submarine down to the water’s edge.
He told Millicent and Harmony how to work the it,
and then both the girls submerged under the water.
Once the girls were under the clear blue water they took another look
at the map. Something special about the lake is that it is like the ocean, because it has colourful coral reefs and vibrant fish.
By looking at the map Millicent and Harmony could see where they needed
to go. They needed to find cave surrounded by neon pink and purple coral.
 It took
about half and hour of searching to find the cave.
The cave had huge, stone walls, that had a thick layer of dark green
algae growing on them.

Harmony steered the submarine into the cave,
Millicent turned on the bright head lights on the front of the boat.
There were bits of discarded metal that were reflecting in the bright light.
At the back of the cave there was a big door. It opened when the submarine
came near and the Harmony steered the it into the door,
that slammed shut once they went through.

The other side of the cave had no water in it so Millicent and
Harmony got out of the submarine and started to walk around and explore.
“Is anybody here?” called out Harmony rather loud.
“I’m here,”  replied a deep voice.
“Show yourself,” said Millicent trying not to sound scared.
“It is me, Luka,” said Luka in his deep voice.
“We know that you stole the crystals,” Harmony called out bravely.
“I did indeed,” snapped back Luka.
“Why did you do it?” asked Millicent.
“I did it because I don’t want your scientists to be the first to discover time travel,
I want to,” Luka replied scornfully.
“I am also building a time machine and I need the crystals to power it,”
Millicent and Harmony were standing quiet far away from Luka so they took two
big steps forward. Both girls thought that Luka looked rather intimidating,
all his clothes were pitch black. He also had a cape that flowed slightly
as he also took some steps forward.

“Why did you steal the crystals?” asked Millicent with curiosity.
“I stole them because of something that happened a long time ago.  
“What happened?” asked Harmony.
“When I was younger I wanted to join the group of scientists in your village,
when I had joined something went missing and I got blamed and kicked of
the group,” said Luka feeling sad.
“Why did you get the blame someone could have taken it!” Millicent exclaimed.
“I know,” said Luka in a sad voice,”
“I stole the crystals to get revenge on the scientists,” Luka added scornfully.
“What if Harmony and I convinced the scientists to let you join them and
help building the time machine?”  asked Millicent.
“Why would do something like that for me?” said Luka sounding very
“I just thought that you might want to help build the time machine that
our scientists,” began Harmony.
“I guess you could give it a try,” added Luka sounding cheerful.

All three of them hopped into the submarine (plus the crystals)
and were on their way back up to the surface.
When the submarine surfaced there was a gushing sound and lots
of clear bubbles bubbling on the emerald water. Harmony went off to
find Rusty to tell him that they were back. Millicent took Luka to the crystal
house on the boat. When they got to the crystal house Millicent lead Luka
through the door and into the lab, where the scientists were working hard.
Luka had a dark red bag that contained the crystals.
“I think you might need these,” said Luka taking they crystals carefully out
of the bag and handing them to the scientists.
“How did you get them!” cried the head scientist.
“Hey aren’t you Luka,” exclaimed someone.
“Yes it is me Luka and I took them to get revenge on you for kicking me out,”
yelled Luka.
“I was hoping that you let would let him help you build the time machine,
Millicent said hopefully.
The scientists thought very carefully but finally gave in and let Luka join.

Two weeks later the time machine was finished and all they had to do
was put in the crystals. One by one the crystals were placed in the time
machine and it was ready to go.